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Employee Goals Report
Employee Goals Report
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

The Employee Goals report allows employees to set goals for several benchmarks. This report lets you know how employees are performing and whether or not they are reaching their goals. After goals are set for each employee, the results of the report, which is run based on date range, will display the selected employee's progress.

To run the Employee Goals report, select it from the Reports drop-down. It's displayed in the main, commonly used reports part of the drop-down.

If you don't have any goals set, choose an employee in the Select Employee section and click OK. Click the Edit Goals button in the lower left. Here you can set goals for a variety statistics:

  • Number of Tickets – Number of tickets with this employee on them

  • Total Sales (excl. tax) – Sum of all sales on closed tickets containing this employee (not including sales from other employees on the same ticket)

  • Total Product + Service Sales – Total products and services sold by this employee

  • Total Service Sales – Total of all services sold by this employee

  • Total Product Sales – Total of all products sold by this employee

  • Average Ticket Total (excl. tax) – Sum of all sales on tickets that contain this employee (including sales from other employees on the same ticket) divided by the total number of tickets containing this employee

  • Average Service Price – Average price charged for all services sold by this employee

  • Average Product Price – Average price charged for all products sold by this employee

  • Service Sales % of Total – Sum of all service sales by this employee divided total of all sales for this employee

  • Product Sales % of Total – Sum of all product sales by this employee divided total of all sales for this employee

  • Product Sales % of Service Sales – The employee’s total product sales divided by the employee’s total service sales

Once you have determined the appropriate values for each of these items, click Save. The results of the report will be updated for the date range you chose. It's likely that it was just for Today. To modify the date range, click Close in the lower right and run the report again, making sure to choose a different date range.

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