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Tele-Consultation Requests and Calls
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over 10 months ago

This article will walk you through the process of accepting and rejecting new tele-consultation requests. This article will also walk you through placing video calls for your consultations.

Consultation Appointment Requests

  1. Click the Appointment Requests button.

  2. Select the checkmark to accept the appointment request.

  3. Select the X to reject the appointment request.

  4. If you accepted the appointment request, you will be able to view the request in the left panel.

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Calling Clients for Consultations
After you have accepted your customer's request for a tele-consultation, you will then want to call them for the consultation. The directions below will walk you through how to call your customers for their consultation.

  1. The client will want to be logged into the site before you can call them. Next to the customer's name under Upcoming Calls, there will be a green circle indicating the customer is logged into the site and are able to receive the video call.

  2. Select the phone icon next to the customer's name within the upcoming calls list.

    User-added image
  3. Your client will then receive a prompt to join the video call.

    User-added image

During the tele-consultation, you’ll see the client details section to the right which contains the following sections:

  • Notes - Create notes during the consultation here. You’ll also see any comments submitted by the client.

  • Image - If the client uploaded a photo it will appear in this tab.

  • Chat - During the call, you can also chat with the client.

  • Client Form - The client will submit a form answering basic questions about the condition of their hair.

  • Email - Enter a message to send the client a direct email.

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